Shower time can be some of the most productive and creative moments of the day. When you allow yourself to relax and let go of your worries, showers provide a perfect opportunity to reflect and ponder some of life’s biggest questions.
Creativity and shower seem to go hand in hand, as many of us come up with fresh ideas in the shower. This is because when we get lost in a relaxing and calming environment, such as a warm shower, our brains are allowed to wander and explore ideas without the constraints of everyday life.
Here are 60 amazing shower thoughts
1. Have you ever wondered what would happen if every person on Earth suddenly stopped talking for one minute?
2. What if all the knowledge that has ever been accumulated was wiped out and we had to start from scratch?
3. What if animals could talk, and everyone could understand them?
4. Have you ever wished that time could stand still just for a moment?
5. What if the laws of gravity didn’t exist?
6. Could we survive without technology and social media?
7. How would our lives be different if everyone was born with the same amount of money?
8. What would happen if we didn’t have any emotions?
9. How much would our lives change if we stopped aging after 25 years old?
10. What if instead of walking, we could fly everywhere?
11. Would our lives be better or worse if we could never lie?
12. Could a world without money ever truly exist?
13. How would the world look like if everyone had superpowers?
14. What if time moved backwards instead of forwards, and we could relive moments in our life?
15. If we could travel through time, would it be easier to correct our mistakes?
16. What if the world was flipped upside down and everything was opposite of what it is today?
17. Could we survive in a universe with no laws or regulations?
18. What would happen if animals were as intelligent as humans?
19. Could we survive in a world that is completely void of color?
20. How would society look like if all emotions were considered valid and accepted?
21. What would happen if humans could have telepathic conversations with each other?
22. How would the world be different if the sun never set and night never came?
23. Could we survive in a world where humans had access to unlimited resources?
24. How would our lives change if all secrets were exposed?
25. What would happen if the entire world became vegetarian?
26. Would we be happier if there were no differences between rich and poor?
27. What would happen if humans could live forever
28. What would happen if we could create new universes and explore them at will?
29. How would the world be different if we could control our dreams?
30. What would happen if all thoughts were visible and everyone knew exactly what you were thinking?
31. Could we survive in a world where no one had any individual rights or freedoms?
32. What if everyone spoke the same language and there were no barriers to communication?
33. How would our lives be different if people could read each other’s minds at will?
34. What would happen if there was no such thing as time and every moment was the same?
35. Could we survive in a world where everyone had complete control over their own destiny?
36. How would our lives be different if people could travel through space without any vehicles or machines?
37. What would happen if plants and animals could talk to each other?
38. How would our lives be different if technology was advanced enough to do anything we wanted?
39. How would the world be different if all dreams could come true?
40. What would happen if everyone was completely honest and didn’t have any secrets?
41. Could we survive in a world where every action had an equal and opposite reaction?
42. How would our lives be different if we could telepathically control machines and technology with our minds?
43. What would happen if the laws of physics were completely broken and nothing made sense anymore?
44. Could we survive in a world that runs on magic instead of science and technology?
45. How would our lives be different if wishes could come true with just a thought?
46. What would happen if everyday objects had feelings and emotions of their own?
47. Could we survive in a world where no one lived longer than 24 hours?
48. How would our lives be different if we could control the weather with our minds?
49. What would happen if we lived in a world without governments or laws?
50. I wonder how many hours I have slept during my lifetime?
52. What if there was no fire?
53. what does my future look like?
54. What would happen if all of the oceans disappeared?
55. What if Earth was flat?
56. I wonder how many memories I will have in my lifetime?