Years ago apps like ShowMe and Educreations helped to popularize creating whiteboard-style instructional videos. Today, screencasting tools like Screencastify and Google’s Chrome screencast tool along with Flipgrid’s whiteboard tool make it easy to create a whiteboard style video in your web browser. Regardless of the tool used, the basic premise is to draw on blank screen while talking at the same time. 

Often teachers make whiteboard videos to use as lessons for their students to watch independently. But having students make videos can be a great way to learn what they know about a topic and how they think about a topic. Here are twenty five topics that you could have your students make whiteboard videos about.

Why volcanoes eruptThe water cycleOcean tidesTectonic platesInertiaMath
Adding and subtracting fractionsThe Pythagorean theoremSlope intercept formCompound interestLong divisionSocial Studies
Ranked choice votingBranches of governmentLatitude and longitudeMap projectionsGerrymandering Language Arts
Parts of speechPhonics lessonsPlot structurePrefixes and suffixesTypes and structures of poemsOther
Rules of various sportsBass clef and treble clefHow to read a clockVerb conjugationHow wi-fi networks work