At the end of this week’s Practical Ed Tech newsletter I teased a new online course that I’ve been developing. That course is Animated Explanations. It will begin on November 1st.
In Animated Explanations you’ll learn why creating animations is a great teaching and learning activity in elementary school, middle school, and high school classrooms. Of course, you’ll also learn how you and your students can create animated explanations of a wide range of topics and concepts.
This course is going to be delivered in a little different manner than other courses that I’ve hosted in the past. Rather than being a series of live webinars or being a big dump of materials all at once, this course will be delivered via email. Every week, beginning on November 1st, you’ll receive an email that contains a written lesson, video tutorials, and handouts that you can use in your classroom. In total you’ll receive five lessons that all together should take you about five hours to complete.
As this course will be delivered via email, you’ll be able to ask questions by simply hitting reply at the end of each lesson.
Be a part of the inaugural class!
I’ve offered Animated Explanations in the past as an in-person workshop. This is the first time that I’m presenting it in an online format. I’ll be looking for your feedback throughout the course. And because it’s the first time I’m offering this course in this manner, I’m pricing it much lower than other five-week courses that I’ve hosted in the past.
Sign-up for the course today and you’ll receive a welcome email from me within minutes of your registration. Then on November 1st at 6am ET the first lesson will arrive in your inbox.
Course Outline
The course will be delivered in five parts through weekly emails throughout November. The lesson titles are as follows:
Big Picture(s)Creating from DrawingsStills to AnimationsNarrated AnimationsProgrammed AnimationsQuestions?
If you want to know more about the course or just make sure that it’s right for you, send me an email at richard (at) and I’ll be happy to answer any and all questions that you have.
Sign-up for the course today and you’ll receive a welcome email from me within minutes of your registration. Then on November 1st at 6am ET the first lesson will arrive in your inbox.