Last week a student in my Google Earth & Maps Crash Course emailed me with a question about using Google Images for a classroom project. Specifically, she wanted to know about licensing and whether or not students could use the images they found through Google Image search. 

The short answer to the question of can students use the pictures they find on Google Images is that students can use some of the images, but not all of images. Figuring out which ones can be used and which one cannot be used takes a bit of work. I recorded a short video to explain how to use Google Images to find images that can be legally downloaded and re-used in classroom projects. That video is embedded below. I hope that you find it helpful. 

Video – How to Correctly Use Google Images to Find Pictures for Your Projects

Applications for Education
There are three things that students and teachers who watch the video should learn. First, not all of the pictures found through Google Images are free to use. Second, that you need to filter the search results according to licensing. Third, that you need to visit the image source page to verify the licensing terms.